ICAR Exam 2024: Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Exam Result, Registration Procedure
ICAR Exam: Under the auspices of DARE, the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, and ICAR, the All India Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) is the principal organization responsible for organizing, directing, and managing agricultural research and education across the entire nation. ICAR has been entrusted with organizing the Entrance and Fellowship exams, among which is the ICAR AIEEA 2024.
For admission to bachelor’s degree programs in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (other than Veterinary Sciences) in India’s central and state agricultural colleges, candidates must pass the All India Common Admission Test (ICAR EXAM). The National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agriculture University, Jhansi, and Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University, PUSA all have 100% reserved seats for their respective programs in UG agriculture.
In central and state agriculture universities in India, 25% of seats are reserved for master’s programs under CAR AIEEA 2024. In institutions like IARI, IVRI, NDRI, CIFE, RLBCAU Jhansi, and Dr. RPCAU, PUSA, 100% of the seats are reserved. The ICAR Exam 2024 is administered in CBT (Computer Based Test) Mode, and the questions are multiple-choice and of the objective kind. Using the steps in this article, you can register online.

A national-level entrance exam called the ICAR AIEEA, also known as the Indian Council of Agricultural Research All India Entrance Examination for Admission, is administered each year to applicants for UG, PG, and Research programs at 75 agricultural universities, including 64 State Agricultural, Veterinary, Horticultural, and Fisheries Universities (SAUs), four ICAR-DUs, including the IARI, IVRI, NDRI, and CIFE, and three Central Agricultural Universities (CAU, Imphal (BHU, AMU, Viswa Bharati, and Nagaland University). Within these cooperating universities, there are a combined 11000 post-graduate places and 15,000 graduate seats available.
ICAR EXAM Eligibility Requirements for Undergraduate Science 12th Grade from a Recognized Board.
- Candidates must have received at least 50% in the general category and 40% in the SC/ST category.
- Only citizens of India may apply.
- As of the 31st of August 2024, 16 years old is the minimum age requirement.
- Student applicants may also be seniors.
ICAR EXAM Eligibility Criteria 2024 for PG Relevant graduation
- From a recognized college or university /12th from a recognized school in English with PCB/PCBM/PCM from the CBSE or another recognized school
- Only Indians should qualify as nationals.
- Candidates must be at least 19 years old to apply.
Application Form for ICAR Exam
- The application is only accessible online.
- Multiple applications from a same individual are rejected on the form.
- By entering a certain email address and phone number, you can register.
- A passport-sized photo and the applicant’s signature must be uploaded in the required JPG format.
ICAR AIEEA Registration Procedure
- You must first register, submit an application, upload an image, and make a payment to register for the ICAR Exam. Completely follow the instructions listed below.
- Give your personal information on the ICAR application form.
- Then enter your educational information.
- Upload scanned copies of your signature and photo. Your thumb impression size should be between 3KB and 30KB, and your signature image size should be between 4KB and 30KB.
- Step 4: Make the required payment online.
ICAR Exam Result
- The outcome is announced on the official website.
- You must click on the link to the official website to view your results. Then you must select “Result.” You must provide your DOB and roll number to log in. After submitting, you can check your results and print them out.
Exam Pattern
The National Testing Agency has published the ICAR AIEEA exam pattern online along with the admission announcement as of July 20. Candidates should review the ICAR AIEEA UG exam pattern before taking the entrance exam so they are familiar with the format and structure of the question paper. All UG programs provided by the participating universities follow the same ICAR AIEEA UG exam structure.
Based on the candidate’s intermediate stream, the ICAR AIEEA entrance exam is separated into two streams. Each multiple-choice question on the exam contains four possible answers from which applicants must choose the accurate one. The ICAR AIEEA admission exam is offered in both Hindi and English.
Two hours are allotted for the computer-based entrance exam. Exams are only administered in English. There are two different sorts of questions on the admission exam: multiple choice and cross-matching. The admission exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions and 10 cross-matching questions. Every wrong response will receive a negative mark. Candidates can review the ICAR AIEEA PG 2024 exam pattern in the table below to obtain a general idea of the entrance exam.
Admit Card
On September 10, the National Testing Agency (NTA) separately released the ICAR AIEEA admit card for undergraduate courses via the internet. By entering their application number, date of birth, and security pin on the login page, only applicants who have submitted their applications will be able to get their ICAR AIEEA admit cards.
Candidates should examine the information on the admit card and make sure there are no errors before downloading the ICAR AIEEA admit card. Candidates are recommended to get in touch with the exam committee right away if they discover any sort of discrepancy. The name, roll number, exam date, reporting time, and exam center for the candidate are all included on the ICAR AIEEA admit card, among other important information.
To download the ICAR AIEEA admit card, follow the instructions below.
- How to Download the ICAR AIEEA Admit Card First, visit the NTA website.
- Then select the link marked “Download Admit Card.”
- Your registered email address and password must be entered.
- On the screen, your ICAR AIEEA admit card will show.
- Download the admit card right now, then print many copies of it for your records.
Online and offline counselling modes are available through ICAR AIEEA
Those who pass the entrance exam will receive an invitation to the ICAR AIEEA counselling. The ICAR AIEEA counselling procedure will begin with the registration phase, after which candidates must take part in the choice-filling and seat-allocation processes. Candidates must bring their original documentation with them to the ICAR AIEEA counselling. Any applicant who does not show up for the ICAR AIEEA counselling will forfeit their admissions eligibility.